My Secure Advantage

Working on Finances as a Couple

Finances can affect all relationships, and discussing or making changes can be difficult.  But My Secure Advantage (MSA) is here to help you and your loved one(s) come together and make finances a positive experience by improving your financial well-being.
By MSA Staff

Finances can affect all relationships, and discussing or making changes can be difficult.  But My Secure Advantage (MSA) is here to help you and your loved one(s) come together and make finances a positive experience by improving your financial well-being. With us, you have access to many resources and educational tools to help you prevent money from getting in the way of a great relationship.

Want to get started? Consider the following:

  • See why your financial history may affect your future
    • What financial skills did you learn, if any, growing up?
    • Are you more of a spender or a saver? Is your spouse/partner the same or different?
    • Acknowledge your differences and gain inspiration from your common life goals
  • Create an action plan and focus on your goals together
    • Stay positive and create goals that support your future together
    • Schedule a regular time for financial check-ins when you are not tired or hungry and without interruptions or distractions
    • What might you need to adjust to stay on track?
    • Celebrate your progress together and build rewards into your plan
  • Delegate changing responsibilities
    • What are your expectations for how each of you will contribute to your financial goals?
    • What will your spouse or partner contribute? Contributions can include time, effort, and money. Recognize and acknowledge each other’s contributions to your household.
    • Consider your strengths and your partner’s strengths as they relate to household finances.  Is one of you organized and best suited to paying the monthly bills? Would it work to share the responsibilities or trade off every other month?
  • Develop conflict-free discussion skills
    • Avoid pointing fingers at your partner and remember you are in this together.  Listen and understand each other’s perspectives with empathy.
    • What helps your ability to have positive discussions around finances?
    • What hinders positive financial discussions?
    • Get expert help if you need it.  If money-related challenges begin to negatively impact your personal relationship(s) or self-esteem, consider working with a behavioral health specialist. A counselor may be able to help you and your partner work through the emotional process of navigating finances.

An MSA Money Coach can help you with the steps and questions listed above. Schedule a coaching session and feel more confident about your finances. Your spouse or partner is welcome to join the session as well. Call 888-724-2326 today.

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